Sunday, April 29, 2012

Back into the Swing of Things

Yes, this big hay bale is in the middle of town.
It was a beautiful day Saturday. After weeding the garden, cleaning up the yard, and cleaning out the trees that were growing in my gutters, I decided it was a perfect day for a run. I haven't been running in a few weeks. I was suppose to run the OKC Half Marathon today. Members of my running group ran, and I'm a little bit jealous! That's ok, I will be training with them again, and this time I am going to do the Route 66 Half right here in Tulsa! All my friends did great, and I am loving seeing their pics.
Tractors are not uncommon either.
New running shoes!
 Since I knew I wouldn't  be running today, I decided to head out and try my new running shoes. I still need to get some new inserts, but made due with my old ones. I went for a run around the big town of Inola. We are the hay capital of the world, which is why it is not unusual to see hay bales around town. It wasn't overly hot, and I wanted to try to increase my speed since I wasn't going for distance.
Honeysuckle perfumed the air. Love the spring/summer!

I finished the 2.47 miles in 30minutes and 12 seconds. Average 12:12 per mile. Not too bad, but not great either. I am hoping this next week I can get in some more miles and maybe a little quicker.
Rocking it out, captured by Billie Jo (my Sis in law)
In Zumba news, I taught my first ever hour long Zumba class. I was subbing for Sabrina in Claremore. It was a blast. I messed up a few times, but I think all the ladies had a good time. I know I did, and if they got as sweaty as I did, they had a good work out too! I got new Zumba shoes too!!
New Zumba shoes too!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Riding the Roller Coaster

This is my life.
My last post was all positive. Today I am feeling more than inadequate in every way. My neighbor came over around 10:50 to get something out of the garage today (We are building rooms in the garage for the older girls). I was still in my pjs with no bra on,already eating lunch, and my house was completely trashed. I kept my arms crossed and tried to explain away how incredibly lazy and disgusting my house and I looked. I am not exaggerating the house. Amos found the basket of plastic eggs and had dumped them on the living room floor. There were toys all over.
At least the pictures on my walls aren't crooked. Right?
Erika has been screaming all morning, usually because she thinks she is mistreated in some way. She falls down, well somebody must have pushed her, I strap her into her carseat, shame on me. Every thing has caused a screaming meltdown today. Also, we are working on potty training, but Amos really isn't getting it. He does well if I tell him when to go, but doesn't tell me when he needs to go. I feel like I am being trained more than I am training him. So we tried regular undies this morning. First thing he does is poop in them. Ok, gross. I clean him up, and we talk about where we are suppose to go potty. He will tell you that you go in the big boy potty, not the undies. Seriously, 20 minutes later, he pees on the living room carpet. I have waved the white flag today. He now has on a diaper. I know logically that he won't be going to high school in diapers, but I have to say that the thought has crossed my mind that he will always be in diapers.
Interesting. There is one fish, two fish, a red fish and a blue fish.
 I'm not sure where this inadequate feeling comes from. Why do I compare myself to other people, sometimes people I don't even know? When you go to someone's house, usually you give them a heads up. So they have their house clean. I know this, but I still get so jealous sometimes that my house seems so cluttered all the time. I clean things off, and then the same day sometimes just hours later, they have piles of stuff on them. Amos is almost 3 and not even close to potty trained, my house is not ever going to be in the pages of Beautiful Homes, it seems as if the majority of my communication with the babies is of the yelling variety, and I have no fashion sense, AND I'm extremely unhappy that I haven't been running or to Zumba in 2 weeks!
Hmmmm........Maybe I have found the problem. Luckily it is an easy solution. Tomorrow I will be going to Zumba, and Saturday after I get my new shoes, I am going to go for a run.
You will all be pleased to know that I have finally gotten dressed and cleaned the house. I even did 2 loads of laundry! Now that the babies are both asleep and my chores are done, I am going to enjoy my peace and quiet and watch some kind of mind numbing tv until the older children get 15  minutes.
I live near train tracks, this equates peace and quiet good enough for me. Where's the chocolate?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My First Zumba Benefit Class!!!

This last Saturday, one of my friends, Tamela, hosted a Zumba Benefit Class. We donated the profits to the Vinita Special Olympics Team. In all we raised $900!!! Tamela did an awesome job planning it. There were so many great prizes that all participants received something! There were 4 instructors, and I had the privilege of being one of them. As most of you know, I don't currently have my own class. I had been very nervous because of this. Tamela, Sabrina, and Crystal all have their own very successful classes. On a neat side note, we all started Zumba with Sabrina before becoming instructors ourselves!

Crystal, Tamela, Sabrina, and yours truly

I have to say, I think we did awesome!! I had a blast! Now I am definitely more motivated to try and find my own classes. I am a procrastinator, and until something falls into my lap, sometimes I don't really work very hard at it. I am going to try and find somewhere, and a good time for me and at least a couple..hundred? some people! I will be making a  few calls today. Hopefully, good news will follow soon.

Me and Crystal rocking out!
I encourage all of you who want a really FUN and high intensity work out- Try Zumba. Just once!! Look up your area on the Zumba website, find an instructor near you. I promise you will love it. It doesn't matter if you have no rhythm, can't dance, two left feet, can't shake your money maker like that, etc, etc. Everyone is doing the exact same thing. Doesn't matter. Just get out there and shake it!

 I won't be writing about any form of exercise this week, I've been ordered to stay off my foot for at least a week. I hate swimming for exercise. Therefore, no exercise. Excuse me while I go stuff my face with Easter chocolate. Just kidding. Kind of. I am going to be getting some new shoes, and then I will be back at it! Happy Tuesday all!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Body- The Untold Story

One of the ladies in my Running Moms group challenged us recently. She said you can't photoshop a marathon onto a body. She challenged us to tell the story of our body, because you can't tell what a body has been through or is capable of just by looking at it. She is going to have different women's stories on her blog. You can read her story here- Contentedly Crunchy .  So here is my story.
I'm the one on the bottom left, if you couldn't tell.
  I guess we will start at the beginning. Ok, not that far back, but how about high school? I loved high school. I was a cheerleader, well liked (I think), and didn't have a care in the world. I was thin, and young. I'm not either one now, and I'm ok with that.
4 children from my body and one child of the heart. These are my 5 kids!
I have carried 4 children in this body. I have earned every stretch mark (of which there are many) and scar. I have freckles that my mom and dad always told me were angel kisses. I have been getting gray hair since high school. I do color it, because I'm not ready to be "old". I've noticed that I have gained a few wrinkles too. I have cellulite on my butt. My ta-tas are no longer small and perky. They are empty saggy skin bags, but they nourished my children. I have not been back to my pre-pregnancy weight from before my first child. EVER. I am all woman, and am actually pretty comfortable in my own skin. I'm definitely not a swimsuit model, and I do have jealous moments. I'm not perfect, but I am me.

34 weeks pregnant with my last baby
Now I am a runner!
 My 30's have been the best years of my life. I married my wonderful husband for time and eternity, I have finally realized my dream of being a runner, and I'm getting to stay home and be the best mother and wife I know how to be. I am not skinny still. I think I like to eat way too much to ever be truly thin again. I do think I am much healthier though. I try to make good decisions for my body.

My fellow Zumba Instructors and I
I am now licensed to teach Zumba. I don't currently have my own class, but it will happen eventually.  I am a horrible procrastinator. I haven't really looked for a place to teach. I am also worried that I am not good enough. I am working on becoming more self confident, and thinking positive thoughts.

I am thankful for all my body has done for me. I am taking care of my body now, and I think I am ready for this. I am posting a pic of my tummy. A pic that is not anonymous. People I know will actually know what my tummy looks like. (By the way, before I even published it, I accidentally posted it to FB. Yay me)

In all my glory.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Infamous Chaffing Incident

Surprise Surprise. You learn things the further you run.  
  1. When your shorts ride up, you may get chaffing.
  2. Body Glide is not a miracle substance, and may not keep this from happening.
  3. After a few miles in pain, you may decide that instead of the intended 12 miles, 8 miles is "good enough". 
  4. Chaffing hurts and makes you walk funny. 
 It dawned a beautiful, sunny, and warm day. I was excited. 12 miles! I did 11, so I had no doubt that I could do it. I ate normally, not trying anything new this time. We headed out. Around mile 2 my thighs started stinging a little.  I just kept pulling my shorts down every time they rode up.
Running through the "Center of the Universe"
About mile 4 I started complaining about it. I still was thinking I could make the full 12. At mile 5 I started sucking down my PowerAde Strawberry Banana gel. It didn't taste as good as the vanilla bean, but I wasn't really thinking about it anyway. I was thinking about the pain in my thighs. We got to mile 7.5, and there was the bridge to take me back to the car. There was no way I was going to complete a full 12. I was already running funny, trying to keep my ginormous thighs from touching. Kind of like riding an invisible horse. I told the group that I was heading back to the car. I made sure I knew how to get there, and started to finish just enough to get me to my car.

Running and taking pics of myself. I'm multi-talented!!!

On my solo run

The infamous chaffing incident.
Needless to say, I'm very disappointed. I stretched and went home. Other than the stupid chaffing, I feel pretty good. I'm not even sore! I bought some bike shorts right after the failure. I'm sure all of the people at Academy loved me trying on clothes while I was all sweaty. To their credit though, nobody said anything to me. Hoping that I can pick up some long miles next Saturday.  I had some low moments yesterday, but I will keep plugging along. I think I will confidently call myself a runner now. I may not be the fastest, but by golly, I'm giving it my all!!!