Thursday, February 9, 2012

Running Solo- I think my fastest average ever!!!

Wanna race??
 Finally went for a solo run this afternoon. I haven't been doing very good at running by myself. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day. At least, there are not enough hours when I don't have to take the babies with me.  Today, I didn't have headphones. I left them in the car that Eric took this morning. I practiced Zumba for 30 min, so I didn't need to walk to warm up. Which meant that I got my best time ever!
I saw this Thorn Tree as I was going by. I've never noticed it before. Strange. HUGE thorns!!! This was over by the horse that I have taken a pic of before. It is so beautiful. It started bucking as I was running by, then raced me. I won't keep you in suspense. The horse won. All in all good solo run. Mile 1 avg 11:49min/mile, Mile 2 avg 11:42min/mile, and Mile 3 avg 12:08 min/mile. Total, 2.91 miles in 34:35 minutes. average pace 11:53 min per mile.


  1. Awesome run! I remember the first time I got all my miles in under 12 mins each - it was only a few weeks ago!!! Fantastic :)


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