Saturday, December 31, 2011

OKC training group run #3

Tulsa World Newspaper Offices-So that's where that is!

Today was week #3 with the RunnersWorld Tulsa group. I decided to change to the 12+ group. I knew I would be more towards the back of the group, but wanted to try to keep up with them anyway. What I didn't anticipate were the hills and the scary route! I definitely did not want to lose the pack. The hills were killer! According to Runkeeper (which I love!), we did 448ft of climb. That is a lot in Oklahoma! I wore my new track suit (not cotton), with tech base layers. I wore some active socks, but they weren't for running, and I started getting a blister on the ball of my right foot. I will be wearing my running socks from now on! I also purchased a hydration belt. I liked the weight of it, and the zipper pockets, loved the convenience of having my own and not having to stop at the water station. I didn't love the way the bottles moved to the front. I will continue to use it though. The pros definitely outweigh the cons!

The hydration belt.

We ran past many old churches in Tulsa, and some of the ones who could still breathe sang some carols. I was doing good, just keeping a conversation going. I have found that the first mile is difficult and the last mile was difficult. 2-4 are awesome (without hills that is).  Such a beautiful day!

ignore the blur, I was speeding by!
My fellow runners and I coming up on one of the churches.

I started thinking that one of these days soon, I am going to have to get over my aversion to public bathrooms. As the runs get longer, I know I am going to have to stop. And then my secret will be out. I actually PEE!!! I take to the southern adage that ladies don't do disgusting things. I never......toot.....around my husband, I would like him to pretend that it is not possible for me to do something like that. (Even the word fart is too uncouth for me.) I also hate having to go more than pee anywhere with in earshot of another human being. However, if the alternative is going in my pants or going to a crowded public restroom, I'll take the restroom (even a dirty one).  Aren't you glad you read down this far? I know you were dying to know all about my bathroom habits! If you would like to read some major bathroom humor by a runner too, you have to check out SUAR. She is awesome, and I wish I could be that laid back!

Laurie, my fearless leader and I (I need to work on the smile!)
I ended up not wetting my pants on this run...SCORE! I didn't even have to use a public restroom. I got to the end, where the snacks and drinks are. Surprise! I passed up all of the yummy goodness they had there, and ate the other half of my protein bar that was in the car. I did drink some gatorade though. I am so proud of myself for sticking with it for this long. I am determined to finish this half marathon. It helps that I have some of my Running Mom Mafia members that are going to be entering the OKC memorial run as well! I'm looking forward to meeting them in person! The stats for this run? ok ok, I kept you in suspense long enough. 5.29 miles in 1:06:33, average pace 12:34 min/mile.  Already looking forward to next weeks runs!! (Not said with any amount of sarcasm)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Couldn't pass it up!

On my run, my shadow is waving at you. I promise it isn't flipping the bird.

Well, today was the first time I have gotten out there since Saturday's training run. I saw a friend at lunch today, and she asked how my training was going. I can't lie to save my life, so I told her the truth. Um, training has gone no where this week. On the plus side, my girls are home. I missed them like crazy even though they were only gone a week. I have not been doing good at waking up early. Luckily, since the girls were here to watch the babies, I went on my run this afternoon.

I took a new route, and wasn't quite sure how far it was. It was a fly by the seat of my pants kind of day. I wore my new pants, my awesome RMM socks, my new tech shirt, and my old trusty running shoes. It was so nice outside. Mid 60's and the sun was shining! If only the drivers in this wonderful town would move over for runners. I ended up in the ditch a few times, trying not to twist my ankle. Crazy people, move over!!!! Anyway. I finished my 3.66 mile run in 46:36 with an average of 12:44 min/mile. I actually looked down at my runkeeper at one point, and saw a sub 9 min/mile. No idea how long I kept that pace, must have been a good song! Tomorrow is Zumba with Sabrina, and then my next training run (5miles....eeeeek!) on Saturday with the Runner's World Tulsa Group.

I see ibuprophen in my future!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Group Training Run Numero Dos!

So this morning was 19 degrees when I got ready to leave to meet the Runner's World Tulsa training group. I sincerely thought about not going. I didn't have any clothes that were not conducive to running. IE poor people running clothes. You know the kind like Rocky wears. Sweats. I really need to go shopping. Soooo, did I go? Yes, yes I did. Patting myself on the back as I sit here. Luckily, Eric didn't go hunting today and he had bought some tech base layers. Which I wore. They worked great! Loved them!

I met with my training group, and was NOT late!! That's right, I got there early even. My arm is getting sore from all this patting I am doing, somebody else should take over and pat me on the back. We started off. I felt great, even started warming up. I finished the 4.05 miles in 55:10 with an average pace of 13.37. We went around Swan Lake. Lake is really a generous term. I would say, small man made pond, but I guess that doesn't sound as pretty. I really enjoy meeting up with this group. If anyone in the area wants to do this training, I'm sure it's not too late. Check out Runner's World Tulsa!!! I surprisingly did not freeze to death. I still have all of my fingers and toes, and I didn't die of a heart attack or anything. I didn't even have to crawl to the finish!
Swan Lake and some other runners on the other side.

I am now home, and have put the baby down for a nap, and made waffles for everyone. Now it is almost time to make the sweet potato casserole for the Christmas Eve gathering at Grandma's house. I think I will go put in some kind of Christmas movie. After I have a shower of course!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Training Run for the OKC 1/2

Well, today's run almost didn't happen. I couldn't find my keys this morning. I looked for 30 minutes. I finally found them, and got going 30 minutes late. I still thought I would make it on time. I would have too, if Oklahoma wasn't so keen on so much construction. I ended up going way way out of my way. As I pulled up, I saw the last group of training runners take off.  I got parked and took off running. I was determined to catch up. I ran fast. Ok, exaggeration, but fast for me. I caught up to the first group, and they were with the same people I was training with, but were in the slowest full marathon pace group. I signed up for the 13-14 min pace group for 1/2 marathon.  So I kept going. I just kept going and going. Kind of like Dori "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" So I did. Well, running. I kept passing people, which was awesome!!

We got onto the other side of Riverside. It was a cool crisp day, but I was pretty much dressed for it. I really need to get some actual running gear!
View of downtown from the river during the run.

 I ran back to the start, where they had Gatorade and Water, and snacks. Runner's World Tulsa is so wonderful to offer this free training! I finished the 3.25 miles in 41:56 with an average 12:56 min/mile. I can't wait until Eric comes with us next week!

The refreshment areas, and some of the runners after the run.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

5am- Up and Running!

Well, last night I went to the meeting for the 1/2 marathon training at Runner's World Tulsa. My wonderful husband went with me. I actually convinced him to try it with me! How exciting! The true test was this morning at 5am. We were suppose to get up and do 3 miles. I always have to get up at 5, but usually do not get out to run. Because I am lazy, no real reason. I do get kind of nervous running in the dark by myself though. I woke him up, and he actually got up and got ready with minimal complaints. We started out walking to warm up, but were too cold. So we started running a little earlier than I usually do.

A few words about my husband. Eric is naturally thin, and used to be a great runner. He played basketball in High School until his knee gave out, and he had to have knee surgery. He has a natural running ability that I have never had. When I talk about learning how to pace myself and when to breathe, he looks at me like I have a third eye. He doesn't understand it, because he doesn't have to think about those things. He just does it. I anticipated having trouble keeping up with him. I told him, I go very slow. I told him not to mind my breathing heavy, wheezing, or death sounds, that I would be fine, and that's just what I sound like when I try to run.

We ran almost a mile, and he was ready to walk. I could have gone a bit further, but I'm never one to turn down a little walk! We started jogging again, and when we decided that were going to walk again he decided we needed to sprint. So we did a little sprint and then walked. I got him to consent to run again. We repeated the sequence aforementioned a couple of times. We finished 2.34 miles in 31 minutes. I forced him to stretch when we got home.

I had received my running socks from my Running Mom Mafia elf in the mail yesterday, and wore them this morning. They were awesome! Now I need to update the rest of my running gear! Eric needs new everything too. He said he isn't wearing anything spandex or gay looking. So I've got my work cut out for me. I'm so happy that he is running with me!

Ignore the fat knee, but look at the awesome socks!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Post Holiday weight gain and back to running

I didn't go crazy over Thanksgiving. Really, I didn't. Somehow, I managed to gain 5 lbs. So I am back to trying to watch what I eat, and trying to get more exercise in. This evening it was cold (to me) and dark. Luckily my dad has a treadmill. I went over and used it. I decided I would do 3 miles no matter how long it took. I ran on Thursday as well, but it was so disappointing, that I didn't blog about it. I could only run for 5 min at a time.  o I figured if I could keep it under an hour, I would be happy. I got started with a little 3 min walk. Then, I sped it up and jogged until I hit 1 mile. I started walking again for 3 min. and started running again until I got to 2 miles. I walked for 1 min and ran, only stopping for 2 more min until I got to 3 miles. Yay!! I did it! I feel so much better. I was so cranky. I think I just needed out of the house away from the little ones. I love them to death, but they both fight over me all the time. It's nice to have some alone time.

I am going to be starting a half marathon training program this month. I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I was thinking that during today's run. I'm excited and nervous. Another thing I am nervous about- I am signing up for Zumba instructor training. I'm worried about screwing up totally or people at the training deciding I'm too fat. I am determined though, and I will do what I set out to do!